What’s stopping you, you say? Well perhaps the last article I read might tell you why. Check it out here.
Sure the article is a few years old (about 15) and it might be researched in a different country but the facts remain the same, what is it stopping you from exercising?
Maybe I’m preaching to the converted, as you are already doing something and taking charge of living a healthier life. However, for those who are contemplating change read a little further, check out the article and ask yourself some hard questions.
Overwhelmingly the participants in the survey recognised the benefits of exercise both physically and mentally but still couldn’t manage to exercise. Many thought that exercise may not have been good for them due to sore joints, shortness of breath or being bad for your bones.
To those who continue to believe this, I can’t help you in the short term. To the rest of you who are looking for a change, exercise in a group fitness scenario will improve your physical and mental health immensely. Firstly, by improving flexibility, strength, power and your cardiovascular ability. Secondly, by improving your functional capabilities. Finally, it creates an opportunity to interact with others.
If you want more information on the effects of loneliness have a look at Stitch. The site has plenty of information on the effects of loneliness. One of the single biggest killers after smoking.
Anyway I digress, I’m not sure what your reasons are for not exercising. It could be lack of knowledge, fear or laziness, I don’t know. However, what I do know is that if you try a class, you will understand what all the talk is about.
Read the article and if you recognise similarities to yourself . Then give us a call.